Future Products
Projects We Are Working On

Digital Dental System
Regrow Teeth: The D.D.S. is designed to use everyday. Simply place the mouth guard in your mouth then press the button on the controller. In 30 mins. it will shut off.
Teeth will grow back within 14 weeks.
Tentative Price
Thermoacoustic Driver
Breeze Thermoacoustic Driver Changes the temperature of the air from as low as 60 Degrees ( Air Conditioner) up to 90 Degrees (Heater) in a 1,200 Sq Ft open space in 10 Mins using the same amount of power it takes to run your cell phone.
Tentative Price

Farmers Market
Bio Printing: For years, scientists have been able to “print” types of human tissue using a 3D printer, but in a significant leap forward by US and Australian researchers they can now make that tissue survive on its own.
We are now able to take muscle and fat cells from a cow once and keep spliting the cells and in under 2 weeks make enough healthest steaks to feed 1000 families for a lifetime without having to harm any animals. This works with all meats, poultry and fish. Now we can do the same with friuts and vegetables
Tentative Price
Personal Transportation Unit
This unit is perfect for getting around town to off-road in the mountains climbing 45% hill. Top speed of 25mph for city and up to 60 mph off road. 80% self charging. 100 mile range
Lights, Horn, Blinkers, Bluetooth Speakers, removable Seat.
Standing or Sitting,
Day or Night
Tentative Price

Future Of Communications
Simply plug in to any smartphone headset jack (automaticlly uses smartphone to connect and download the Comlink App. and new phone number) and enjoy fast free secured internet, data, E-mail, Video, Music, Movies and Calls to
anywhere from anywhere in the world.
Tentative Price
Quantum Wave
Food Purifier
Sterilizes and sanitizes 99% of germs and bacterias
from the surface of fruits, vegetables, meats and
processed foods as it neutralizes the harmful chemicals, pesticides and radiation inside making foods healthy and safe back to an organic state.
It will even sterilize and santitize 99% of germs and bacteria from the surface of your cups, glasses, silverware and dishes.
Tentative Price

RV CarCycle
This is a 4 wheeled fully enclosed electric bike that drives like a car with all the comforts and features of a RV/Camper while self generating its own power and water for on or off the grid.
On Board Equipment
Roof Mount: 15,000 BTU A/C with Heat Pump, Solar Powered Vent Fan & LED Lighting. Off Grid: Solar Panels, Wind Turbine, 4 Dynamo Motors On Each Wheel, 2 Pedal Powered Generators, Water from Air Generator producing 5-8 Gallons per day, 50 Gallon Fresh Water Tank, 30 Gallon Black Water Tank.
Kitchen: 7 cu. ft. Refrigerator/Freezer, Dual Induction Stove Top Cooker, Convection Microwave Oven, Sink, Food Pantry, Cabinets.
Bathroom: Sink, Cassette Toilet, Shower, Ceiling Vent, Medicine Cabinet with Mirror, Towel Racks.
Living Space: Theater seating that converts to a sofa Queen Size Bed, 32”Smart TV, Sound System, LED Lighting, Wardrobe and Cabinets, Overhead Storage, Vertical and Horizontal Adjustable Dining Table/Desk.
Driving/Power: 2 Swivel Armed Captain’s Chairs, Daytime Running Lights, LED Headlights, LED Tail Lights, LED Blinkers, LED Brake Lights, LED Emergency Flashers, Wipers, Horn,
Tentative Price
Chill Out
A\C in a Bottle
The 1st all in one Summertime body spray to instantly cools the body on contact 3 to 5 degress as it kills 99.8% of germs and bacteria with the
Insect Repellent keeps the pest away for 4 hours the Deodorant Protection keeps you smelling Great
Instantly Cools
Insect Repellent
Kills Germs
Tentative Price

E.S.P., Telepathic, Telekinesis, Situational Awareness
We all have heard of this most of our lives and thinking they were born special... The truth is we are all special. Now we can amplify our brainwaves and raise our vibration.
Remember It's All In Your MIND
Tentative Price
Aqua Air
Atmospheric Water Generator
The T-808 Home/Office unit makes up to 8 gallons of 528Hz. Frequency Infused, PH Balanced, Alkaline, Ionized, Micro-Clustered, Anti-
oxydant, Super Hydrating Drinking Water while purifing the air in the room.
Tentative Price

Urban Transportation
Free Stylin or lock in the handelbars for more stability small enough to fit in a backpack and under 10lbs.
12 Mile Range on a charge
10-15MPH Max Speed
Built-In Bluetooth Speaker
Smart Phone App
Remote Control
Headlights and Tail lights
Power Indicater
Speed Indicater
Tentative Price
Main Function
NIR light can penetrate the head and reach the brain.
NIR is absorbed by cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondria.
Heat-gated ion channels also play a role.
Increased blood flow, energy, neuroprotection, less inflamation, brain repair.
Can treat traumatic ( stroke, TBI), neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases. What is Photobiomodulation?
Photobiomodulation (PBM) describes the use of red or near-infrared light to stimulate, heat, regenerate, and protect tissue that has either been injured, is degenerating, or else is at risk of dying. One of the organ systems of the human body that is most necessary to life, and whose optimum functioning is most worried about by human kind in general, is the brain. The brain suffers from many different disorders that can be classified into these three broad groupings: traumatic events (stroke, traumatic brain injury, and global ischemia), degenerative diseases ( dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's), and psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder).
There is some evidence that all these seemingly diverse conditions can be beneficially affected by applying light to the head. There is even the possibility that PBM could be used for cognitive enhancement in normal healthy people,
In this transcranial PBM (tPBM) application, near-infrared (NIR) light is often applied to the forehead because of the better penetration ( longer wavelength)
Tentative Price

Cell * Tissue * Organ * Life
Starts with a total 3D hologram Scan of all the functions of the organs, cells, tissues and muscles of the body.
Next a full report of any and all issues, problems and future issues in medical terms as well as in layman's terms and generates an
onscreen report as well as a hardcopy printout.
The next, option is to choose from the list of what you want to be treated for or you can also select all. Plus, you can pick from a cosmetic extended options list. X-tend will take your picture and show you what you will look like after the treatment (such as age, height, weight, eye color, hair color etc.)
Last, When you Start a Session, you will experience a thermoacoustic photonic frequency infused pulse that runs for
30-45 mins. Making adjustments, healing and repairing on a cellular level (many of the results are instant but some can take up to 2 weeks to fully develop. 80% of users need only one treatment)
A Gift to Humanity From the Universe
Wearable Defense Technology
It emits an invisible, focused beam of radiation, similar to a microwave oven. The invisible laser super-heats the surrounding air resulting in a plasma explosion that tuned to a precise frequency to stimulate human nerve endings creating agonizing sensation while electro-magnetic waves induce temporary paralysis. Because the beam penetrates skin only to a depth of 1/64th of an inch, it cannot cause visible, permanent injury. Anyone in the beam's path will experience the full wrath over their entire body.
Tentative Price