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George NV

I have had colitis for the last 10 years with diarrhea every day and after 2 days of wearing my I Guard, I am happy to say I had my first normal bowel movement. I am so excited!  Also, I

couldn't sleep at night, staying up half the night and always needing to eat, now I sleep through the night with no hungers pains and wanting to eat. 


I am 85 years old. I usually wake up 1 or 2 times in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Last night I slept through the night for the first time, slept 12 hours straight. whoo hoo! Also, my sciatica bothers me and I am in a lot pain but after purchasing the I GUARD, the pain is gone.

Marge NV


Bobbie  MS

I am 89 years old and for the last five years have been mostly confined to bed due to osteoarthritis.  I have been on prescription pain meds and undergone multiple injections in my lower back just to be able to stand. About a month ago my daughter bought an I  GUARD for me and after the first time using it the pain in my back was gone I could not believe it but I use the  I GUARD twice a day and I have been able to reduce my pain meds in half and I think I will soon be able to stop them all together. This has been like a miracle as I have suffered for so long.  I am now enjoying being out of bed and regaining a more normal lifestyle.


Rev. Enoch PA


I didn't even realize until I set out to do my paperwork on Sunday evening at the last minute being that it is due on Monday. I've always had a problem doing paperwork it's the thing I hate most, it's sort of like pulling teeth, I would always do it at the last last last minute, today I completed all my billing paperwork and cleaned out my junk mail folder of more than 800 files in record time. This problem has been with me for 50 yrs until  tonight. Thank you Father God finally I have overcame my challenge tears are flowing from my eyes and thank you Ron for the i-guard

On Oct 11th I felt like it was the purrfect time to really love myself. I had been affirming that when my expected big event happened I would be totally and happily alcohol and sugar free. Before when I stopped I kept thinking when is 4 pm coming.  Always checking  my closet and asking do I need to buy more and Will this last the weekend No longer.  YEAH

Now I have be totally loving myself and loving my dream of no alcohol, no sugar, and no coffee or dairy Now it has been 19 days and not really counting. I counted only because I wanted to do this testimonial. YEAH go Stargate
Bonnie CA

I would like to share with everyone that reads this information. I had a tooth extraction on late thrusday afternoon. I was put onto lots of instruction things that I could not do. Due to the facts that my sinus line. Was totally involved. There was some concerns. Of having problems in the future because of the sinus line being involved. I was in lots of pain. Head ache upper and lower jaw pain plus my ear was also hurting. I did take advil 4 of them plus extra strength tylenol. It did not phase the pain. On any level. So I went onto Catherine and Ron's call Sunday night. They said to put my Stargate on my temple area. So I did. My pain was almost totally gone within 1 hour. It was amazing. Thank you Cat and Ron. Vary Vary much. Carol from Minnesota

The I Guard has been very good for my circulation and lowering my stress.  I have been sleeping for at least two hours of deep restful sleep from the first day I tried it. Over two weeks now.  I have more energy and I am very pleased with this product. I can’t thank you enough for the ability to rest.  It is really great since I have had insomnia for over 8 years. Thank you so much. I am recommending it to all my friends. Sincerely, Beverly from Texas

In 2010 a virus attacked my heart and left me with cardiomyopathy, CHF, and a 24% cardiac output.


I had refused an internal defibrillator but would have allowed in 2020, to keep me alive till my husband passed. I had a heart cath and was informed that it was too late.


A little over a year ago a friend bought me an iGuard. Daily occurrences of v-tach and a-fib started slowing down. The iGuards increased to five (a little OCD), worn two at a time, 23/7. I haven't had any arrhythmias for several months. I had an echocardiogram and got the results today, a 24% cardiac output is now 55%. 


Medically I know that's impossible but the proofs in the pudding. And my pudding tells me a 14 year history of hospice, v-tach, and a-fib, that occurred daily is gone. And a cardiac output of 24% is now 55%. Ron & Gern are a miracle working team. And I will be eternally grateful. 


Thank You, 

BA from AZ

Hello Catherine   I am so grateful to share this testimony with you. Since my husband, Clyde, has been using the igard he is sleeping better. His sleep patterns before with the igard  was three days of no energy to stay awake would then be three or more days of no sleep. Very exhausting to say the least but he just couldn't help it. He was able to recall all the addresses where we lived in the past. Also a newbie. And then he busted out in laughter, an emotion he hasn't showed for eleven years. The brain injury he suffers is from a heart attack back in 2009. He also recalled the visit with Christ on that day and for the first time he shared details that I had never heard from him before. Christ told him that his wife, Me, Mary, shared the same name as Mother Mary and his wife Mary and told him that I love him and that I asked Christ in prayer to keep him here and we would do God's work and service together. And that is exactly what I asked Christ in prayer on my knees beside the ambulance while they were still working on him before wheeling him into the ER. He is my miracle man, he has been touch by Christ. He was on a ventilator for three weeks and they wanted me to pull the plug. A close friend and I did a St Germain prayer over him and he woke up afterwards. He had to learn how to swallow, feed himself and learn how to walk again and control his bowels. I tried to get him treatment through hyperbaric oxygen therapy but insurance wouldn't cover it.  I always believed that would of helped. Our journey has been challenging and hopeful. Thank you for offering the opportunity to help him with a joyful life. We are very grateful and blessed, such a huge difference in such a short time. I don't think words can really express our gratefulness. I look forward to the day we can help others as you both have helped us. God bless you  I will keep you informed as he progresses. Thank you  Mary

I am always researching Health or Healing info.  I listened to an inventor speak for two hours a couple months ago. His name is Ron & he works with healing frequencies (& studied Tessler, Rife & other scientists). He developed a technology for his brother who was sick, but unfortunately his brother lost his battle prior to Ron completing his work.  Ron made it his life passion to help people in honor of his brother. Ron developed a device that looks like an Apple watch & it sends healing frequencies throughout the body.  For example, a normal cell has a frequency of ~ 70 hertz, and a cell from a person with a virus has a frequency of ~50 htz, and a cancer cell has a frequency of ~ 42 Hertz.  Ron’s device gives out different healing frequencies which help the cell get back into balance.  I bought the I-Guard watch/device & let it sit for 6 weeks without trying it. Then a friend asked me to listen to a call about the I-Guard. I said sure – I already bought one.  Then I heard all types of wonderful testimonies of people who got rid of pain or had different issues healed – often quickly noticing results.  So, I decided to try it over-night to see if it helped my leg. I had wiped out 5 weeks ago playing Pickle Ball and had trouble walking ever since. My knee, leg & ankle is still inflamed & has been healing slowly.  I still had to hobble to walk.  After trying the device for one night (I used the earbuds too), I walked almost normal.  I said to myself – what in the world is going on! I should be limping more, and my leg is feeling much better & I am not limping.  It was really strange to me.  I’ve only used it a few days & even Dan said you are walking better & walking better down the stairs.  My leg is not completely normal yet, but the progress in one night was dramatic, compared to the slow healing from the last 5 weeks.

It is my sincere honor to write about the extraordinary results I am having using the Omni-Mat. For the past 22 years I have experienced hot-flashes every single night and have tried everything known to man to get relief. I purchased my Omni-Mat in February 2021 and was so anxious to see if it would help me, I decided to sleep on it.


Admittedly, it is not the most comfortable mat to sleep on, but covering it with a very light twin size sheet helped immensely. The very first night I had ZERO hot-flashes. Additionally, I was experiencing leg tingles in the middle of the night and the Omni-Mat took those away, too. 


But wait. There’s much more. I started altering my eating habits about the same time I started using the Omni-Mat. I never expected this, but I easily lost 25 pounds over a 4-month period and am easily am keeping it off. I feel calm and no longer have the unhealthy cravings I used to have. My energy is great and I feel in balance. 


I honestly owe it to this amazing Omni-Mat because there is nothing else I am doing in my life other than sleeping on it. I took it off my bed for several nights to see if the hot-flashes were gone, but sure enough they came right back. So those frequencies from the Omni-Mat are definitely working with mine in an extraordinary way.


I AM now using the Star Gate Necklace and am looking forward to more positive, life-changing results.


I agree with Einstein. 'Future medicine IS in frequencies.' I AM a living example of it. 


Keep up the great work and in sincere gratitude,


D. Love  

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  • I have been using my I Guard for many years, I remember opening the box feeling an immense energy coming off of it when I put it on my wrist. I put my headphones on that comes with it and I listen to the frequencies twice a day for 45 minutes. I noticed I had more energy. I noticed I was more focused, and my sleep was much deeper. I actually remember my dreams now and in color. They were almost never in color. Stress seemed to be less. Sometimes I would wear it to bed and fall asleep listening to the frequencies. I knew it was protecting me from all the EMFS that we are bombarded daily from everywhere. The I Guard has so many features on it like a smart watch. When the STARGATE came out, I was so excited because it looks like a beautiful piece of jewelry but does so much for the body too. It has the same 9 Universal Frequencies, magnets and healing stones as the I Guard. When I wear it, I would get so many compliments on how beautiful it is. The Stargate also has a really cool thing on the back of it, a bone conductor, so if you any pain anywhere on the body, you can put it right on the pain and it would go away pretty quickly. Just amazing! Or you can put the bone conductor against a glass of water or any beverage and infuse the frequencies right into it… so cool! I have worn them both together, the stargate around my neck and my I Guard on my wrist, and I am good to go RECENTLY I HAVE GOTTEN ANOTHER I GUARD, and I only listen to the BRAINWAVE SERIES, especially the THETA waves. I learned recently what the THETA BRAINWAVE can do.

  • Boosting intuitive powers

  • Relax deeply and unwind

  • Enhances learning and memory

  • Deeper, more refreshing sleep

  • Stimulates lucid dreaming

  • Effortlessly enters deep meditation


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